Some Chance! is a short story in 5 chapters. The first and last chapters are written by Shina, a 36-year-old mum who left school without any qualifications, having had problems with English and Maths. She describes how she goes to College as a mature student and the effect it has on her and her family. Chapter 2 is written by Shina's husband, Alan, who supports her in her studies. Shina's mother, who has strong, old-fashioned views on women and family life, writes Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, Shina's College Tutor looks at adult education from yet another angle.
Some Chance! presents problems and opinions which will be familiar to students of all ages. It should generate lively discussion and writing, especially among those involved in Family Literacy. Written in a simple, straightforward style, it has a vocabulary of about 540 different words.
WORD COUNT: Different words 540, Total words in story 1880.
NO. OF PAGES: 24 - A5
Additional Information
- Author : Margaret and Hugh Brown
- Reading Level : 3 - Standard Beginner Reader
- Series : Brown and Brown
- Topic : Literacy
- Topic : Readers
- Publisher : Brown and Brown
- ISBN : 9781870596527