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Sharing Our Stories

  • 'Who Am I?' by Serena Seah

    Arriving in Melbourne almost 30 years ago, I went through the plight of a new migrant. Besides learning English, how English is used differently, I had to navigate the different cultural practices that were unfamiliar. That experience inspired me to enable the transitions of those migrants who come after me.
  • Sharing Our Stories Across Oceans

    The Power of Storytelling to Empower and Transform. We come to this project, 'Sharing Our Stories Across Oceans', as learners, educators, activists and storytellers inspired by creative methods in education. On our own journey, we have truly realised the power of storytelling to be emotional, liberating and transformative; it has helped us to make sense of our lives and been an important lever to support others on their personal and public journey.

  • 'Coming to Australia' by Zoe Lambreas

    I would love to share with you the reason why I told my students my father’s story. It was... to give hope and shed a guiding light to those feeling useless and disenchanted with their situation in life!
  • 'Only Biscuits' by Linda Virgo

    Back in my day, that word, dyslexia, wasn’t even known or spoken about. That old saying that you’re never too old to learn – well, my goodness they were right... I want to share my story because I want people to know that there is help – you just need to be brave enough to reach out! I am the proof!