KING STREET: Readers and Exercises - Set Three
King Street is an integrated, structured phonics reading programme for adult and teenage learners which can be used by trained teachers as well as volunteer and support staff. This carefully graded reading scheme provides opportunities for practice in all the underpinning skills necessary to produce a competent reader.
Set Three comprises 10 reading books plus accompanying exercises PDF.
- Save the Pub
- Send for the Doctor
- A Trip to the Vet
- The Party
- The Lottery
- Shane Wants a Girlfriend
- Steve Gets a Job
- Joy Riders
- The Pub Trip
- The Wedding
Each of the ten books features one group of King St. residents already introduced in Sets One and Two. The books are graded according to the complexity of the language and new spellings and structures are introduced gradually. Set Three has word counts of up to 400 words per book.
The accompanying exercises may be completed over several weeks. Some exercises will be familiar to learners who have completed the previous sets. In addition there are more demanding exercises which deal with particular grammar or spelling points. Sentence building features largely in these exercises, as does punctuation.
Additional Information
- Author : Iris Nunn
- Reading Level : 3 - Standard Beginner Reader
- Series : King Street
- Topic : Community
- Topic : Life
- Topic : Literacy
- Topic : Multicultural
- Topic : Phonic
- Publisher : Gatehouse Books
- ISBN : 9781842311479