Sound Reads is a series of books written for older beginner readers. The books are graded to support a synthetic phonic approach to teaching reading.
Set 2 comprises 10 reading books plus accompanying Workout activities (PDF).
- Brenda Dean to Room Three
- Jack Bell: The Rat Pack
- The Hunt
- Footsteps
- Jack Bell: Mr. Big
- Jed’s Job
- Checkout Girl
- Cheers
- Hit and Run
- Letting Go
In Set 2, readers will read words that use phonically regular letter sounds and letter combinations such as: ay, ai, ee, ea, oa, ow and ar.
Each book enables learners to consolidate their phonics skills and to practise a growing range of everyday (often irregular) words. A small number of more challenging, new words are listed at the beginning of each book. It is recommended that learners become familiar with these at the start.
Reinforcement activities are available for each book as a Workout. It is expected that mentors support learners with both the word lists and the follow up activities.
Additional Information
- Author : Hollands Lewis & Richards
- Reading Level : 2 - Easy Beginner Reader
- Series : Sound Reads
- Topic : Life
- Topic : Literacy
- Topic : Phonic
- Publisher : Gatehouse Books
- ISBN : 9781842312452